Our COVID-19 Health and Safety Operating Procedures and Guidelines

During this challenging time, we trust that you and your family are staying safe. Safety is our priority. As we navigate ongoing challenges, we share this update of our COVID-19 Safety Guidelines and Operating Procedures.

Click Here to View: Jackson Child Care Pandemic Health and Safety Operating Procedure

As we stay up to date with the implementation of CDC and Health Department Guidelines, the constant practice includes social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing hands throughout the day. Within the content of the safety guidelines, we are intentional in fostering socialization and taking care of each other emotional wellbeing. Moreover, we are modeling and teaching the kiddos to do the same!

CDC COVID-19 CHILD CARE PROGRAM SYMPTOM SCREENING FLOWCHART  – A child with Symptoms of Infectious Illness

COVID-19 School Symptom Screening Flow Chart childcare-program-symptoms-flowchart

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