Week in Review: October 22-26

Monday- Science: The plant life cycle

One of Monday’s highlights was the reading of “Whose Garden Is It” by Mary Ann Horseman at circle time. This book outlines the plant lifecycle while making connections to the many facets associated with growing a garden. We spent time talking about the planting process and the different events happening in the story. The kiddos were able to follow along. They understood and enjoyed the story! The book helps to promote the kiddos’ understanding of life cycle scientific concepts. It also aids in the kiddos understanding of the plant life cycle process. This book is one that we will read and re-read in the future!

Tuesday- Social Studies

The kiddos were busily engaged with a dramatic play on Tuesday. In this guided dramatic play activity, they learned about self and being a part of a community. We helped advance the kiddos understanding as well as identify and their knowledge of different types of feelings. We gave Individualized attention to each in fostering of developmental skills at varied levels. In the area of nutrition, at lunchtime, the kiddos said that the sweet potatoes were delicious! They are beginning to eat more vegetables. That’s progress

Wednesday- Early Literacy: Letter Knowledge and Print Awareness

The kiddos enjoyed Wednesday’s early literacy story time with Ms. Vicki at Richard Byrd Library! They especially had fun engaged in a creative pumpkin coloring sheet. In preparation for the early literacy program, Ms. Tasneem read “Penguin and Pumpkin“. The kiddos also watched two educational YouTube videos about pumpkins that you can check out here and here.

Thursday- Social Knowledge

Ms. Tasneem conducted an excellent circle time with an important Al’s Pals lesson “When someone is mad but not at you”. She spent time carefully discussing with the kiddos a safety plan when anger is misdirected towards them. Together, we teachers put on a puppet script with suggestions to help the kiddos develop a safe plan for the next time they encounter displaced aggression.

Friday – Science/Cooking

P is not only for pumpkin but also for pizza!  We prepared a pizza lunch with our kids! We have found that having the kiddos into the kitchen to help with meal and snack preparation offer developmental life skill benefits! Cooking is a great way to involve the kiddos in food preparation. The cooking process offers the children opportunities to learn the importance of following directions, developing active listening skills and using hand-eye coordination. The kiddos had a hands-on role in the mixing and the baking process.  They got to see and experience the scientific transformation of ingredients to create something new. The best part is the kiddos get to enjoy the food they made. Yum Yum!

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